General travel faq
When’s the best time to book flights and how do you find good deals?
While there are plenty of theories and methods out there for booking cheap flights, I’ve found that it’s entirely dependent on your destinations and flexibility.
Check out my favorite travel resources here—including my favorite airfare apps and websites.
How do you make friends when traveling?
My first solo travel experience was through a travel agency so I had a built-in group for that trip. These days, it’s easier to have a travel buddy since I got married last year and we share the passion for traveling.
If you’re staying in hostels, you’ll usually meet like-minded travelers who are also looking to connect and make friends.
Even if you’re traveling solo, you’ll almost always end up chatting with a stranger and making new friends—it’s way easier and less intimidating than it seems!
What travel websites do you use for trip planning?
I plan 99% of my trips using online research and some of my go-to travel planning tools.
Check out all my favorite travel planning websites here!
What things should I prepare for before a trip?
Before heading out on any trip, there are a few key things to check off your list: Do you need a visa? Have you purchased travel insurance? Are you using a VPN?
Don’t miss these 10 Important Things To Do Before Every Trip!
Business + Blogging FAQ
I want to start a travel blog. Where do I begin?
The short answer is: just do it! Sure, you’ll need to sort out logistics like choosing a brand name, identifying your target audience, and planning your content. But don’t let the fear of starting or putting yourself out there hold you back.
What advice do you have for bloggers just getting started?
It’s interesting how many parallels exist across industries. As an entrepreneur or new business owner, there’s a common saying that it takes at least three years for a new business to become profitable, and success is never guaranteed.
I approached my blog in the same way—expecting the first three years to be tough and accepting the possibility that I might fail. By “fail,” I mean that no one would read my blog.
So, my first tip is to stay true to what you’re passionate about. If you’re thinking of starting a blog or taking yours to the next level, really find your niche and focus on something that you’ll still love blogging about five years down the line.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned? Create engaging content! One of the biggest challenges is creating content that you love, while also keeping your audience in mind. Always ask yourself, “Will this help my readers?” or “Is this something my readers care about?” Asking for audience feedback is one of the best ways to create content that resonates with them.
What do you use to design your graphics?
I use tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva to design my graphics. Each one has its strengths, so I choose based on the project! Canva is great for quick and easy designs, while Photoshop and Illustrator offer more advanced customization.
Who designed your website?
I fully designed the website. It’s not totally finished as it needs several design improvements. It’s a lot of work to fully customize all the pages of a blog like this one. But I’ll get there!
Personal FAQ
How old are you?
I was born in 1992… so you do the math! 😉
Where and when was your first international trip?
I traveled a bit internationally growing up—my mum took us (me and my little brother) to the Caribbean, Greece and Crete.
In 2017, just before finishing my engineering degree, I realized one of my dream: traveling to Japan with some friends of mine. I had never traveled that far in my entire life!
We were young, we needed a break before starting our career and the best way to get some fresh air was to pack our things and leave.
During my time abroad, I discovered a new sense of independence, and immersed myself in different cultures. I was completely hooked. I returned home feeling empowered, refreshed, and eager for the next adventure.
5 things you might not know about me…
I have 2 cats an 1 dog. I’ve never had a broken bone. Even if I travel a lot, I’m still afraid of turbulences. I’m a Virgo (introverts for the win). And, I’m a massive Harry Potter fanatic (and a Ravenclaw!)
How often do you travel?
I try to travel at least once a year. Usually, I go up to twice a year. I still have a full-time job so it also depends on how much holidays I can take.
As I’ve gotten older and gained more experience, I’ve realized that it’s better to travel slowly—taking the time to truly soak in a place and embrace its culture, rather than rushing to visit as many locations and destinations as possible in one trip.